
Congratulations to the General Director of ROSFLOTSERVICE LLC on the Day of the Russian Navy

Today, July 25, our country celebrates Navy Day.


The Navy has always been and remains for us the pride of the nation, the bulwark of its power and the guarantor of peaceful life.


For more than three centuries the Russian Navy has been on uninterrupted watch, guarding the sea borders and serving to protect the national interests of our Motherland. The Russian Navy shows the world an excellent sea training and worthily demonstrates the Andreevsky flag in all parts of the world-wide ocean.


The Russian Navy in its history has raised many great personalities. The history of Russia is filled with legendary feats of seamen and notable victories over the enemy, filled with the names of those admirals who in battles at sea gave their lives for the honor, independence and prosperity of our beloved Motherland. We will never forget the outstanding naval commanders who are the pride of the Russian nation and a model of valiant service to the interests of the Homeland and fidelity to the naval fleet. Such names as Ushakov Fyodor Fedorovich, Lazarev Mikhail Petrovich, Nakhimov Pavel Stepanovich, Makarov Stepan Osipovich, Admirals Essen, Grigorovich, and many others are forever inscribed in the history of our Homeland.


Today's generation of sailors has the great honour of being the continuators of the legendary naval traditions established by our fathers and grandfathers. Today's Russian sailors consistently demonstrate commitment, responsibility and professionalism, cherish and increase glorious naval traditions, increase combat readiness and successfully master new modern equipment and modern types of weaponry. Highly trained Navy personnel, courage and dedication help them to overcome difficulties and honorably perform their military duty, reliably protecting the peaceful life and national interests of Russia on the sea frontiers.


On behalf of the Expert Advisory Body of the Maritime Board affiliated to the Government of the Russian Federation I congratulate admirals, officers, midshipmen, petty officers, sailors, all personnel and veterans on the Day of the Navy.


I wish everyone strong naval health, happiness, prosperity and love in their families, I wish a steady and multiple growth of the naval power of our Homeland, the successful solution of problems aimed at improving the defense capability of the country and ensuring strategic parity.


I express confidence that Russian sailors will remain loyal to the Navy, faithful to the Andreevsky flag, love of the sea and will always be worthy followers of the glorious military traditions of the older generations.


Happy Holiday, Comrades!


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCWdhlaldWs


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